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Timely and professional service helps you save gas, reduce labor costs and increase your filling plant capacity and uptime. It also means making sure you have the necessary spare parts in case of a breakdown.

Our ever-growing global service network enables us to offer our customers the best service in accordance with local requirements and conditions. With all of our staff trained by Kaya all over the world, we can provide support in your own language almost anywhere in the world. A service contract pre-empts your time and secures your access to our qualified staff. For us, it enables us to plan our staff in the most efficient way and ensure the best availability at the lowest cost. As an added bonus, our service contracts can be used to extend your warranty.

service contract
Based on an assessment of the service and maintenance requirements of a filling plant, our technician performs the contract-defined maintenance service with scheduled visits several times a year. Throughout the entire contract period, we work closely with you to maintain and increase the productivity and profitability of your filling plant.

Facility service
Our staff is responsible for all (or parts of) the filling plant, storage facilities, compressors, etc. performs technical maintenance. They control and manage the maintenance of the facilities, but the operation of the facility is the responsibility of the owner. This is the most comprehensive version of our service agreements.

service on demand
Has an urgent problem arisen with your equipment that requires immediate attention from expert technicians? When you need service, you can always contact us, explain the problem, and our service staff will visit your site as soon as possible.

Inspection and advice visit
We offer scheduled visits once, twice or four times a year where our technicians evaluate your equipment, write a report and recommend a maintenance plan. They also evaluate your spare parts stock and recommend adjustments or purchases to maintain optimum stock. They may also suggest training or other investments.